Your Bestseller Uncovery An Entire Book Promotion Strategy Is Your Blueprint For Further Action

Uncovery lays the foundation for sales by strengthening and focusing marketing, bolstering your platform, and identifying, growing, and leveraging your audience—all leading your great book toward great sales.

Decisions We Will Make

In Uncovery, we will:

  • Decide upon the optimal method for generating strategically timed sales for your book launch.
  • Determine the best affiliate marketing techniques to leverage your network of allies
Tell Us You're Ready
Plans We Will Lay

Together we will:

  • Plan to attract, grow, and engage a readership to generate sales
  • Strategize the transition from book success to business success; from book reader to business client
  • Plan timelines for your book creation and launch
Check Out Publishing Timelines Too
Your Success Strategies

We will:

  • Model your audience through reader and client personas
  • Create a high-performance replacement for a traditional sales funnel
  • Coordinate with your PR Firm to synchronize mass media and social media buzz
Let Us Promote You As a Thought Leader
Your Written Game Plan

You provide 2 full, uninterrupted days to meet with our team. We will be able to identify the best audience for your book and the best way to market it, then provide you with a written game plan.

Market Your Message
Consider Further Campaigns

Synchronize an Audience-Engagement Campaign with the Best Seller Campaign to create maximum synergy and results, and work to position yourself to pull the trigger on a Major List Bestseller Campaign.

Combine Your Campaigns
Transfer Up!

Payment in full secures your Uncovery date, and applies in full if you transfer up to a Bestseller Campaign. So, you lose no money by paying for Uncovery and then electing to execute a Bestseller Campaign.

Give it A Shot
Your Bestseller Uncovery Value Spend two days creating a success strategy with Michael Drew!

Michael Drew’s in-demand strategy consulting runs $20,000/day. The two-for-one Uncovery deal provides 2 days plus the written game plan for $20,000—and fully transfers if you follow up with a Major List Bestseller Campaign.

Meet Michael
Pricing: From $10,000 to $20,000

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