Major List Services

Place your book onto the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestseller lists.

Become Our Next Success Story


I’m the New York Times bestselling author of Killing Sacred Cows. My first attempt at the book appealed to only certain types of readers before Michael Drew got to it. It wasn’t the kind of cover to appeal to everyone and now inside, there are graphics, stories, statistics, break-outs, that appeal to all different types of readers. Which book am I prouder about? Of course, the book that Michael Drew helped me write. His way is the way to do it.

Garrett Gunderson, Killing Sacred Cows


It used to be that only publishing veterans knew the secrets to creating a successful book. But Bob Hughes and Michael Drew unearth what makes a book sell. They take you through everything from knowing your subject, to building your audience and identifying publishing models, to tracking sales and creating high-impact marketing and PR.

Jonathan Merkh, VP Publisher Howard Books, a division of Simon & Schuster

Add Audience Engagement
to Your Bestseller Campaign
Making the bestseller lists creates more impact, and is easier to accomplish, when you also set out to grow and engage your audience at the same time.

Audience Engagement

We create a year’s worth of done-for-you content marketing to engage and grow your audience and generate strategically-timed sales. Plus a website, brand style guide, e-commerce, CRM integration, blog, and more.

Combined Campaigns

Combining a Bestseller Campaign with an Audience Engagement Campaign increases your book’s ability to reach the top of the lists. We provide discounts and bonuses when you engage in a combined campaign.

Go All the Way with Combined Campaign
Planning Transitions

We ensure your book’s success boosts your business and advances your mission by planning transitions: merely curious to book buyer to client. Don’t assume transitions will happen. Make them happen.


If you have the resources, you’ll want to hire a public relations firm to help promote your book to the media, in addition to running Bestseller and Audience-Engagement Campaigns. Here’s why.

Understand Traditional PR & Publishing
Book Branding Services

If you’re self-published, or unhappy with your publisher’s packaging, we offer book branding services: cover design, interior layout, marketing copy. For self-publishers, these services pair well with a Kindle Bestseller Campaign.

Perfect Your Book
Take Over
The World

For those with great ambitions, it’s not just about this book or that campaign: it’s about world domination. If you’re ready to start a movement or take over the world, we’ll help you!

Ignite World Domination
Make Your Name,
Make a Difference

Promote A Book exists to ensure that you, the dreamer and author, gets your book promoted and marketed properly, so your dreams can become realities.