Market Your Message

Promote Yourself as a Thought Leader

Does your field have a celebrity expert? A Carl Sagan or Dr. Oz? You become a celebrity expert the same way they did–by marketing popular content. Learn how to promote yourself as a thought leader following a proven process.

Become Something More
Multimedia Content Marketing

Short videos can turn you from a Who’s that? to a known expert. Video, graphics, and podcasts are powerful. See how experts build their audience with multimedia. Harness the Power of Multimedia & Grow Your Audience Promote A Book can build your book, brand, and message. Multimedia Content Marketing & Platform Building

The Respectful Replacement for the Sales Funnel

Most sales funnels feel like a pitch, pushing fast for information or a sale. Instead of a funnel, use a Gravity Well to build trust and intimacy through hardwired human behavior. It’s respectful, effective, and long-term.

Build Intimacy
A Book Websites

To Be An Authority, You Need A Persuasive, Interactive Website. Many sites are designed for PR, not to grow or convert an audience. Promote A Book sites use Persona Architecture to interact with and convert distinct visitors. It’s a launch platform to promote your book and yourself as a thought leader.

Generate Your Website